Japan is in the enviable position of having a budget surplus 日本的预算盈余令人羡慕。
For instance, Virginia recently posted a budget surplus for the second consecutive year. 以弗吉尼亚为例,该州最近发布了连续第二年的预算盈余。
Yet it has been running a small primary budget surplus, meaning government revenue exceeds spending excluding interest payments – a key measure of whether belt tightening can help cure fiscal ills. 尽管如此,意大利的基本预算仍小有盈余,这也就意味着刨除利息偿还款项,政府的收入超过了支出,这也是衡量勒紧腰带的药方能否治愈赤字顽疾的关键指标。
The funds will come from the budget surplus, which has been amassed largely on the back of a mining boom that has seen vast quantities of Australian minerals exported to China and India. 这些资金将来自预算盈余,这些盈余主要是靠采矿业的繁荣积累起来的。澳大利亚把大量矿物出口到中国和印度。
Obama says he has planned spending cuts that would generate a budget surplus, even with new energy, economic and other initiatives he has proposed. 奥巴马说,尽管他提出了新的能源、经济与其他提议,但他计划减少开支,创造预算盈余。
California now has a budget surplus and led the nation in job growth last year& far outpacing Texas. 如今的加州已经实现预算盈余,去年的就业增长全国领先&远超德克萨斯。
The IMF remains sceptical whether Greece will be able to hit the ambitious budget surplus targets and continues to seek assurances that eurozone governments would agree to restructure Greek debt if a credible reform programme is not implemented. IMF仍对希腊能否实现雄心勃勃的预算盈余目标表示怀疑,并继续寻求保证:如果希腊没有实施可信的改革计划,欧元区政府将同意对希腊债务进行重组。
Germany, for example, has been reluctant to spend more fixing roads and bridges, even though the government has a budget surplus and can borrow money on international financial markets at interest rates close to zero. 例如,德国就一直不愿意在修缮路桥方面增加开支,尽管政府预算存在盈余,而且还能以接近零利率的水平从国际金融市场借贷。
We can do all that, and still expect to achieve a balanced budget surplus for the year. 我们预期在完成所有这些目标之馀,本年度仍有财政预算盈馀。
Starting with its "primary budget surplus" ( tax revenues exceeding total non-interest outlays), it can eliminate its overall budget deficit if it cuts spending by just 3 per cent of gross domestic product in a budget that equals half of GDP. 首先可以从“基本预算盈余”(税收收入超过非利息支出总额的部分)入手只要在相当于国内生产总值(gdp)一半的预算中削减占gdp3%的支出,它就可以消除全部预算赤字。
Mr Clinton left office with a budget surplus. 克林顿卸任时,美国已实现预算盈余。
The German government has more room to manoeuvre, with a projected budget surplus for this year. 德国政府拥有更多回旋余地,预计今年将实现预算盈余。
With fiscal revenues rising 33 per cent in the first half of the year, China is running a much larger budget surplus than it had planned for and has plenty of cash available to help fine-tune the slowdown. 鉴于上半年财政收入增加33%,中国目前的预算盈余远高于计划,有大量现金可用于帮助对经济放缓进行微调。
Ten years ago, we had a big budget surplus with projected surpluses far into the future. 十年前,我们有一笔很大的预算盈余,并且对长远未来有计划盈余。
Since 1983, the Hong Kong government has maintained an average annual budget surplus of 1.4 per cent of GDP, deliberately accumulating in good times a fiscal reserve that can be run down in recessions. 自1983年以来,香港政府每年维持的预算盈余平均相当于GDP的1.4%,有意地在经济景气时积累财政储备,以备经济衰退时之需。
On this view booms and slumps are fluctuations around a given trend and any monetary or fiscal stimulus in the downturn must be reversed in the upturn, for example by a budget surplus or a monetary slowdown. 从这种观点看,繁荣和衰退就是围绕着一种给定趋势的波动,同时,低迷时期的任何货币或财政刺激,都必须在上升时期予以逆转比如说通过预算盈余或货币供应减速等手段。
Tax hikes and spending restraint under George H.W.Bush and even more so under Bill Clinton brought the problem under control and in the late Clinton years even produced a budget surplus. 在老布什尤其是克林顿政府时期,增加税收和限制开支稳住了局势,在克林顿政府后期甚至还实现了预算盈余。
The government has ample resources and is running a budget surplus. 政府拥有充足的资源,并且正在启动一项预算盈余。
The government budget surplus flipped back to deficits. 政府预算盈余不复存在,一路下跌为财政赤字。
The United States had a record federal budget surplus. 美国财政预算出现了创纪录的盈余。
In the late 1990s, when the budget deficit turned into a fat budget surplus, President Clinton again ignored his original investment agenda. 上世纪90年代末,当预算赤字转变为巨额预算盈余时,克林顿再次忽视了他最初的投资议程。
It accumulated a budget surplus of8.8% of GDP last year, thanks to soaring revenues from its copper mines. 智力便是一个显著的例子,因为高涨的铜矿收入,该国去年的预算盈余占到了GDP的8.8%。
The government is forecasting a budget surplus this year. 政府预计今年的财政预算有结余。
Many people argue the government has done all it can to reduce the gap, running a budget surplus and encouraging personal saving, to no great effect. 许多人认为政府竭尽所能以减少差距,经营盈余和鼓励个人储蓄是没有多大效果的。
The US is borrowing at lower long-term rates than it did when it was running a budget surplus. 美国目前的长期借债利率低于预算盈余时期的利率水平。
The budget surplus he inherited is now a deficit, the fiscal hole in America's retiree programmes is bigger than ever, the tax system is an unstable, patched-up mess. 他所继承的财政盈余现已成赤字。美国退休项目的财政黑洞比以前更为巨大,税收体系成了一个不稳定而又千疮百孔的一堆乱麻。
He did the same in2003; and though the budget surplus was gone by then, he upped the ante by also lowering taxes on capital gains and dividends. 这次预算中已经没有了富馀,他将宝押在了降低资本增长与股息分红的税率上。
The government in Beijing, which is running a huge budget surplus, also has money to spare. 北京的政府有庞大的预算盈余,有余钱可花。